All New Jerseyans deserve to gain climate, economic, health, and wealth resilience from the clean energy transition.
Our communities and our climate need a clean energy economy that works for everyone.
It’s time for New Jersey to commit to Resilient and Equitable Solar Power.
New Jersey Shines With Solar
Every day overburdened communities are overpaying on energy bills, powered by dirty fossil fuels. Ricky Gass was worried about how he’d weather COVID-19 and provide for his daughters, but then he got a community solar job. Watch Ricky, fellow proud solar installer Juell Mollette, community leader James Young, and State Senator Troy Singleton on how New Jersey can shine with equitable clean energy.
Jobs & Economic Opportunity
New Jersey’s growing solar economy now employs 6,400 people statewide. Expanding solar access will create more local jobs across New Jersey, increase investment in our communities, and help rebuild the middle class.
Energy Bill Savings
Many New Jersey families in underserved communities have trouble paying their energy bills. With massive price declines over the past decade making solar one of our nation’s lowest-cost energy sources, affordable solar power is ready to help working families lower their energy bills and cost of living.
Healthy Families
For generations, communities of color and low-income families have disproportionately borne the public health burdens of our fossil economy. Transitioning to solar power will reduce toxic air pollution that comes from burning fossil fuels, which doctors say can reduce the risk of heart disease, asthma attacks, respiratory diseases and even cancer.
Climate Resilience
Seven years after Superstorm Sandy, New Jersey’s infrastructure remains vulnerable to extreme weather and other impacts of climate change. Local solar, especially when paired with battery storage, can help keep the lights on in times of crisis — power that’s especially critical for low-income families and communities on the frontlines of climate impacts.

Who We Are
We are a diverse coalition of community-based, social justice, environmental, industry and faith organizations united by the vision of a resilient and equitable solar powered New Jersey that creates opportunities for everyone to thrive.
Contact the NJ Shines Campaign:
Elowyn Corby,
For media inquiries, contact:
Elizabeth Schroeder,

Take Action
We’re urging Governor Phil Murphy and lawmakers to take bold action for resilient, equitable, clean energy for New Jersey. Join us!
Photo: Rob Wallace, CEO of Power52 Energy Solutions and Board Member of Vote Solar, celebrates the passage of historic clean energy legislation in 2018 with Gov. Murphy.
Policy Roadmap
New Jersey knows the importance of our state leading the transition to clean energy. But the Garden State’s existing solar programs just aren’t working the way they should, especially when it comes to ensuring that our state’s low-income and environmental justice communities have the opportunity to benefit. Here’s our policy roadmap for bold, equitable and resilient solar action.
Photo: New Jersey equity partners gathered in August 2019 to envision an equitable future together.

In the News
The New Jersey Shines campaign launched in December 2019 with the goal of reducing the energy burden on low-income and environmental justice families.
Read more:
Photo: NJ State Senator Troy Singleton at the launch of the NJ Shines campaign in Trenton, NJ. December 2019.